Friday, March 4, 2011

This is a Tribute

Got some pretty cool news, felt compelled to write about this. I wrote the GREATEST series of Haikus for this post, but when it came time to actually posting it I couldn't remember it. This isn't the best series of Haiku. This is just a tribute.

My new friend is near.
I wonder what you’ll be like.
This is your tribute.

Knowing your parents,
you'll be too cool for school.
You better still go.

I’ll give you advice
When Mom and Dad are away
Like they did for me

Number one uncle,
The Lonely Pie will be called.
Sorry Dark and Man

You're more than a friend
Family from more than blood
What’s your name again?

Don't care if its Sue,
Beatrix, Maxine or Zeut
This is your tribute


  1. I like it. I'm sure she will, too! Yeah, she'll be one cool kid.

  2. Honored, sir. Truly.

    Also, I love this project you've conceived. Can't wait to see more.
