Thursday, July 28, 2011

Can we at least agree? Let's Eat Real Food.

Much of the Paleo/Primal diet's background is based in in the theory of human evolution - the idea being that humans are genetically selected and adapted to eat the foods our hunter-gatherer ancestors would have eaten prior to the invention of agriculture approximately 10,000 years ago. While I don't subscribe to this view of how human life came into existence, you don't need to believe in it to see results from the dietary approach.

You don't need to pretend to be a caveman (even one as eloquent as this).

In the 1930s, a dentist named Weston A. Price performed an extensive study of cultures who were isolated from western civilization - modern hunter-gatherers, if you will, who did not eat modern processed foods. Price was seeking to find out how they avoided cavities without access to modern dentistry. What he found and subsequently documented in the bood Nutrition and Disease Prevention was a much larger body of knowledge on health and diet, as the people he studied were on the whole healthy, free from diseases of affluence (obesity, heart disease, cancer, etc.), and had very little in the way of dental problems.

Modern hunter-gatherers don't suffer the health problems we in the west do. No need for evolutionary basis there - either it works or it doesn't.

Eating natural, whole, real foods as close to their production as possible is a method that seeks to avoid:
  • Processed foods
  • Junk foods
  • Sugar & High fructose corn syrup
  • Sodas and sports drinks
  • Agribusiness & subsidized monocoulture crops
  • Factory farming & animal cruelty
Even if you believe the items above are not harmful, are there any of the above that you would argue are beneficial or necessary to human health? Can you live without these things? If you tried this for 30 days, what might you discover?

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