Thursday, March 10, 2011

February Results

For the month of February my goal was to be able to do 100 push-ups in a row. (Pause for laughter) This challenge was an exciting one to undertake because it was one that people were really excited about. It was the one challenge that people had very strong opinions on. At one point I was the "push-up machine", but lately "gum-ball machine would be more apropos. Few people believed I could achieve this goal until they saw first hand the progress I was making.

I had started doing push ups at a friends place, letting their kids sit on my back while I tried to bust out as many as I could. I was feeling good from a mostly vegetarian January. I had the encouragement of Stuntman, the world class athlete, trainer and roommate. What was the result?

Challenge Result: FAILED

Analysis: I got sick at the start of the already short month. I had started a new job and didn't set the proper time each day to increase my efforts.

My plan was to start the blog during the push up challenge to share my daily/weekly results. If I'm held responsible by the blog then I MUST perform the duty. I didn't do that. Once again, I didn't make the challenge a priority.

I did however make progress! At the start of the month I could struggle through 35-40 straight standard push-ups. By the end of the month I was able to do 65.

I will be revisiting this challenge and all failed challenges in June, and I plan on dominating it. Here's how.

#1 - Set realistic Goals (Daily, Weekly & the Month)

Setting a realistic goal will help me track my progress and show me if my effort level needs to be increased.

#2 - Blog about it - I don't like to fail challenges. I didn't set this blog up to be the year of failures. Its much easier to make excuses in our own mind, but I will be held accountable to my two readers in Malaysia, I can't disappoint THEM.

#3 - Preparation - For any challenge, but especially a physical one, preparation is vital. Mentally & physically. My head wasn't in the game, again, I wasn't committed.

Come June, I will be ready to take on the Push-up challenge again.

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