Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Living Challenged - A Monthly Challenge Project

Late last year I decided that 2011 was going to be much more exciting & challenging than the previous two years. I wanted to try new things, challenge myself, and create a lifestyle that wouldn't be as monotonous as prior years. I sat down on a cold December afternoon and wrote out a bucket list of exciting ventures I hoped to conquer before I "kicked the bucket". Before long I realized, that there might be things that I wanted to do that I had never thought of or even realized I wanted to do/try. I then came across http://www.themonthlychallenge.com/, a blog designed to get people to try new things. I loved the concept of doing a monthly challenge so I decided that in a quest to try new things I would engage in a different challenge every month for the year 2011. The basic concept is this:

"Each month, a goal is set - whether it be a daily goal (ie., complete a Sudoku puzzle every day) or a weekly goal (ie., read a book every week) a monthly goal (ie., cycle 1000 miles in a month) or something completely different.

What doesn't kill you makes you stronger. Hopefully you will learn from your failures and that will help you refine challenges down the road. However, don't expect to succeed at everything - if you're completing each month's challenge easily, then it's not really a challenge, now is it?"

The challenges are a work in progress (I will take suggestions) but once a challenge is started that will be the challenge for the month.

I'd more than welcome you to play along or even try out your own challenges. From these, I hope to learn something about myself, challenge myself, try something new, better myself, or at the very least, have an interesting year.


  1. Ok Jonathan, I have a challenge for you.
    Every morning (oh, and do mean EVERY) get up at 4:30am.
    Heres your drill;
    4:30-5:00, reading.
    5:00-5:30, meditation.
    5:30-6:00, workout.
    6:00-6:45, breakfast and shower.
    7:00 Drive to work.
    The only slack I will cut is if you don't need to be at work at 7:15-7:30. Then you could get up a little latter, but not by much!!

    Lets know if you chose to do it.

  2. To say that I am not frightened by this challenge would be a lie. But as of this moment I am certain that is what I will do next month. Do you find this order the best? I feel starting with the workout would be best as that would wake me up. Thoughts?
