Friday, March 11, 2011

Need a New Challenge

It has come to my attention that when scheduling my monthly challenges I happened to pass over some important information, that conflicts with the drink only water challenge. I will be rescheduling the "Drink Water Only" to another month, and in its place I need a new challenge. Any suggestions?


  1. You could learn to count to 10 in a different language every day. Or make a new recipe every day. Make it a month of giving something every day. Or make a friend a day. Write a letter a day (real letter, not e-mail). You could also get ideas from "The Guinea Pig Diaries." He did the same type of thing. Like live a month by doing everything people tell you to do. Or something extreme like that:)

  2. Awesome. I like your suggestions, some of them match recommendations others have sent in. I just ordered that book, thanks for mentioning it.
